The Dapper Facial

The Dapper Facial

The Dapper Facial

Introducing our Gentleman's Facial, a luxurious skincare treatment designed specifically for the modern man. This custom-tailored experience combines the art of relaxation with the science of skincare to provide an invigorating and rejuvenating journey for your skin.

The indulgence begins with a stimulating deep cleansing massage to prepare your skin for the ultimate pampering. Our skilled estheticians will use expert techniques to deeply cleanse your skin, removing any impurities, excess oil, and environmental pollutants. This massage not only promotes circulation but also provides a sense of relaxation and stress relief, leaving you feeling refreshed and revitalized.

Next, an invigorating exfoliation will be performed to slough away dead skin cells and reveal a smoother, more refined complexion. This step helps to eliminate rough texture, minimize the appearance of fine lines, and promote a youthful glow. Our high-quality exfoliating products are specifically formulated to suit the needs of male skin, ensuring optimal results without any discomfort.

If needed, our experienced estheticians will address any pesky ingrown hairs that may be causing irritation or discomfort. Through careful and gentle techniques, they will extract these ingrown hairs, allowing your skin to breathe freely and preventing future ingrown hair formation. This step not only enhances the overall appearance of your skin but also helps to alleviate any discomfort associated with these ingrown hairs.

To further nourish and revitalize your skin, a customized facial mask will be applied. This mask is specifically chosen based on your skin type and concerns, ensuring that your skin receives the exact nutrients it needs. While the mask is working its magic, you can fully unwind and relax as our estheticians treat you to a luxurious hand massage. This extra touch provides a moment of tranquility and helps to alleviate any tension in your hands and wrists.

To complete the journey, a moisturizer tailored to your skin type will be applied. This final step locks in hydration, protects your skin from environmental aggressors, and leaves your skin feeling irresistibly smooth and soft.

Our Gentleman's Facial is the ultimate retreat for the modern man seeking a revitalizing and pampering experience. With a stimulating deep cleansing massage, exfoliation, extractions if needed, treatment of ingrown hair, facial mask, and a soothing hand massage, this indulgent treatment addresses all your skin's needs while promoting relaxation and rejuvenation. Treat yourself to the ultimate male grooming experience and discover the art of self-care.

Let's Talk Skin Care

Welcome! I'm delighted to hear from you. Share your inquiries, skincare goals, or appointment requests by filling out the form below. As a licensed Esthetician specializing in providing exceptional skin care services in the Bronx, New York, I am here to provide you with personalized and outstanding care. I can't wait to assist you on your journey to healthier, more radiant skin. Don't hesitate to reach out and start the conversation. Fill out the contact form below, and let's embark on this exciting skincare adventure together!

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